“The Escape” the first show.

Well, my first showing of my paintings has come and gone. If you missed the show, there are currently 3 of my paintings till hanging on the walls of Industry in Huntington Village. Overall, the show was well received. Some notable quotes from show attendees include:

“This show is in the Top 5 we’ve seen here.”

“I like this one.”

“The purple flower is my favorite.”

“Wow, this is better than I thought it would be.”

“Love the texture…it really pops.”

“You’ve only been painting for 4 months! Really? Come on!”

“That’s a photograph, right?”

“You’re pretty good.”

“I know that tree!!!”

And so, now I am back at my easel working on some new paintings for my tentative next show perhaps in the end of summer. Thank you to all who made it to my show. As always your support is much appreciated. - PV3


The Worst Painting Yet.


I’m not a painter. I might be a painter. I am a painter.